Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey! A post!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Alright. I've been pretty lax with this blog due to being sick and having a bustling social schedule (weird, right?) suddenly. But I'm finally updating again, and I'm sorry for being so late!

So lots of things have happened since my last post. Most importantly, I have come to trust Jack 100% with Jimmy. Not with Max though. Max still hasn't figured out that if he runs, Jack chases him. It's gotten slightly better...but not really. The other day, I was getting Jack's breakfast ready, and Max was over (begging, he beg's worse than most dogs I know, including Jack...). Jack was sniffing him and raised his lip. Needless to say, Jack had his breakfast in his crate. I was talking to Ruth about this (I had asked her if she had any ideas why he would be fine with one cat, and not with the other) and she thinks its an alpha thing. That because Jimmy doesn't mind him and neither does Jack (Jimmy doesn't run away from Jack, Jimmy actually rubs up on him, Jack licks him...they really get along wonderfully), but Max still flees at the sound and/or sight of Jack...that Jack feels like he can be bossy and alpha over him, and get away with it. I've been trying to work with Max on this, like I did with Jimmy...but Max isn't nearly as clever and self confident as Jimmy its taking a lot longer. Hopefully with more time, things will improve, I just hope there is no bloodshed in the meantime. Alright, next topic...

Jack got some stairs! They were a present from Uncle Mark and Aunt Nanette!!! Thanks so much you guys!

It took Jack only a couple tries to realize that the stairs a) aren't scary and b) are much easier than trying to jump up on the bed. He does still jump to get down, but that never seemed to bother him, so I'm not too worried. I think my next day off, I will teach him how to go down. Here are some pics I took tonight...It was interesting trying to make him only do it a little at a time, but we managed:

(They were already assembled, all I had to do was put the carpet things on)

(Why am I not allowed to go up, I don't get it...)

(Hey mom, stop being weird, let me go up the stairs, that's what they're there for...)

(Ehn! Why can't I go all the way?)

(I do not like you right now...)

(Yay! Bed!)

Jimmy thought he would help (more examples of them being good together):

(Ritual butt sniff)

(Buddies! Wish I had caught it when Jack was actually licking him...once again, poor camera skills...)

(See ya Jimmy! Notice that Jack isn't chasing after him :) )

Oh, and Zander loves the box the stairs came in! He loves to run inside of it, chew on it, sit on it. It was a good addition to his cardboard box collection! He, in sharp contrast to when I usually try to take pictures of him, was amazingly uncooperative:

(No one shall see proof of my love for the box!)

(This was staged...sorry for the horrible-ness of the flash...)

But really though, he does like it!

I also got Jack microchipped! It was very quick, and he immediately forgave Lena (who was the one who did it) when she threw him a toy after, its pretty easy to please Jack! Here is his tag:

(Front side)

(Back side with his number)

And more excitingly, Jack's spiffy new name tag came in! It looks great!

(Cute, no?)

(Hey look, its my name! Spelled correctly! It's a miracle!)

Jimmy felt the need to be in the picture taking session again:

(Oh heyyy! Pay attention to me too!)

And then returned to his favorite spot:

(MMM, comfy...)

Max didn't feel like making an appearance in this post either, but I told him "Tough":

(Max, on my laundry bag...)

(And Max lurking outside of my bedroom during the stair photo taking session...)

And Jack got more presents! From Grandma Winter, yay! His favorite being a new squeaky toy:

(I believe its a hot dog, my friend and I had a long discussion about it...they believe its a hamburger though, Grandma, what is it!?)

Whatever it is, Jack adores it, and hasn't killed the squeaker yet!

And remember that big bag of toys my landlord gave Jack? Well, he did in fact pick a new "go to" toy (besides his frisbee...). It would be his hippo. Which he knows by name.


(I said "Jack, get the hippo!")



(And he got it, yay!)

I can also randomly tell him to "Find the hippo" when he wants to play, and he will go root around for it, and bring it over to me when he wants to play. He is a very smart boy.

Alright, I am sure that I am forgetting something, but I am pretty tired and am going to wrap this up. I will try to be better about posting more often!

Jack says "Goodnight":


P.S. Keep those comments coming, I love them! To leave a comment on an entry, click the little thought bubble near the title of the post, then go down and type up your comment, and where it asks you "comment as" select anonymous, but please let me know in your comment who you are :) I think you can also select "name/URL" but I'm not sure!

P.P.S: This post was brought to you with help from my furry friends:

(Max, on my lap, helping me type)

(Jimmy watching from the back of the couch)

(And Jack, being a bum on the couch)

1 comment:

  1. hey jenn - it's nanette - love the blog,love the steps, the dog tag, the fact that this has worked out so well, love it that no one pees on the rugs in my house, love it all- and you too of course!


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